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in Natural Astrology
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Richard Pellard

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This author's articles (485)

Dissonant plutonian aspects (non-dominant Pluto)

Pluto Dissonant Pluto-Moon aspect (conjunction, opposition, square) If and when the Moon dominates : Concerned about preserving the fullness of a harmonious and balanced daily life, you become anxious at the very idea of the slightest irruption of the unknown in your familiar sphere. You hide in your “bubble” and cling desperately to your habits and supports, lest you see your little universe (...)

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The lunar function (homogeneous wholeness)

Moon The Moon occupies a special position. Earth’s single satellite, promoted “twin sister” of our planet by certain astronomers, it receives, concentrates and synthesizes without differentiating them, all the global interactions of the solar system, in the same way as the Earth. Hence its function of globality. Generally: maintaining wholeness. intensive power Everything that is global, coherent, (...)

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The solar function ‘rR’ (representation of Representation)

Sun Generally: maintaining the unique. Maintenance and reproduction of standards, codes, concepts, theories, models, goals, projects, images, principles, symbols. Conservation and reinforcement of the hierarchies in place, of central positions. The absolute short term: the instant, the moment. The superlative image: the cliché. The ultra-personal: the individual. Maintenance of clear (...)

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The mercurian function ‘tR’ (transcendence of Representation)

Mercury Generally: switching from the unique to the multiple: Multiplication, dissemination, maximum deployment of standards, codes, concepts, theories, models, goals, projects, images, principles, symbols or desacralization, crumbling, questioning, deep questioning of these. The enigma, the hidden meaning of the signs. Seizure of the universal in the particular. From here to far away: attraction to (...)

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The venusian function ‘eR’ (existence of Representation)

Venus Generally: switching from the unique to the duo-duel. The concrete impact, the emotional effectiveness, the sensory impact, the way in which standards, codes, concepts, theories, models, goals, projects, images, principles, symbols are experienced and experienced. Relative decentration, search for symmetries. From latent image to fact: desire. From here to near: the personal space opens up, (...)

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The marsian function ‘eE’ (existence of Existence)

Mars Generally: maintaining the duo-duel. Action for action, struggle for life. The mechanical sequence of events, the dynamics of movement. Concrete physics in its tangible and material manifestations. The facts as in themselves, absolute and indisputable. All situations of systematic duality, of permanent confrontation, of irreducible division: bipolarization, separation, struggles, (...)

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The jupiterian function ‘rE’ (representation of Existence)

Jupiter Generally: switching from the duo-duel to the unique. Act according to clear objectives. Codification, schematization, classification of facts and things. Known experimental physics: positivism, the reduction of phenomena to simple laws. The representative acts, the clear, clear and concrete choices that are necessary. The lived, the felt, the feelings are transformed into standards, models, (...)

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The saturnian function ‘tE’ (transcendence of Existence)

Saturn Generally: switching from the duo-duel to the multiple. Dig into facts, phenomena to discover their invisible laws, invariant mechanisms, hidden structures, internal complexity. Experimental physics in search of unknown elements. Actions in depth, secret, obscure, uncertain. The quest for the universal through the problematic of concrete experience. The experience in its future and its (...)

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The uranian function ‘rT’ (representation of Transcendence)

Uranus Generally: switching from the multiple to the unique. Abstract models to schematically represent complex or invisible realities. Transformation of the vague, uncertain, ambiguous, obscure into clear and sharp visions or theories. The emergence of the singular in the undifferentiated, of apparent order from disorder. Codifying the uncodifiable, naming the unnameable, discoursing on the (...)

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The neptunian function ‘eT’ (existence of Transcendence)

Neptune Generally: switching from the multiple to the duo-duel. The invisible as it manifests, feels and experiences. The oddities of physics. The unknown conditionings which are transformed into experimental behaviors. The uncertain or the improbable which are embodied, are transformed into facts. Events rich in underlying and indefinable content. The emotional effectiveness of hidden, imaginary or (...)

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The plutonian function ‘tT’ (transcendence of Transcendence)

Pluto Generally: maintaining the multiple. The unknown or unknowable reality in all its complexity. Absolutely hidden laws. The multiplicity of invisible determinations and conditionings. Total mystery, deep darkness, the secret of the Gods or of Nature. The plurality of interferences and simultaneities between the elements of the “big real” imperceptible. The absolute long term, the impassable (...)

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Sun-Mercury-Venus: extensive Representation

Generally: diffusing from the unique How the known, the conscious, the norms, codes, concepts, theories, models, goals, projects, images, principles, symbols (‘R’) are reproduced and maintained (‘r’) by conditioning and determining a priori our way of being moved, feeling and experiencing (‘e’) and to question ourselves, to ask ourselves questions and to open ourselves to the unknown (‘t’). (...)

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Mars-Jupiter-Saturn: extensive Existence

Generally: diffusing from the duo-duel How the knowable, the concrete, the lived, the experience, the felt, the experienced, the facts are reproduced and maintained (‘e’) by conditioning and determining on the ground our way of affirming, saying, simplifying and deciding (‘r’) and to question ourselves, to distance ourselves, to ask ourselves questions and to open ourselves to the unknown (...)

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Uranus-Neptune-Pluto: extensive Transcendence

Generally: diffusing from the multiple How the unknown, the unconscious, the underlying, the invisible, the hidden, the mysterious, the profound, the imaginary reproduce and maintain themselves (‘t’) by conditioning and subtly determining the way we are moved, perceive, act, feel and experience (‘e’) and to affirm, to say, to simplify and to decide (‘r’). “Big T”: the “extensive (...)

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Sun-Jupiter-Uranus: intensive representation

Generally: focusing on the unique Reduce, schematize and make known, in the form of standards, codes, concepts, theories, models, goals, projects, images, principles, symbols (‘r’), all the preconceived ideas or acquired certainties (‘R’), concrete and observable facts and phenomena (‘E’) and abstract, subtle, invisible or underlying realities (‘T’). “Small r”: the “intensive representation” (...)

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Venus-Mars-Neptune: intensive existence

Generally: focusing on the duo-duel Reduce to a duo-duel, to a confrontation, to lived experience, to personal feelings, to the sensorially experienced, to the emotionally lost, to their affective impact, all the standards, codes, concepts, theories, models, goals, projects, images, principles, symbols (‘R’), concrete and observable facts and phenomena (‘E’) and abstract, subtle, invisible, (...)

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Mercury-Saturn-Pluto: intensive transcendence

Generally: focusing on the multiple Reduce to questions, perplexities, hypotheses, speculations, doubts, hidden laws, mysteries, nonsense, absurdities, uncertain or unpublished perspectives (‘t’), the set of standards, codes, concepts, theories, models, goals, projects, images, principles, symbols (‘R’), concrete and observable facts and phenomena (‘E’) and abstract, subtle, invisible or (...)

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Sun-Mars-Pluto: extensive Power

Generally: maintaining the unique/duo-duel/multiple The real of Man and of the rest in all its states and stages, in its impeccable and implacable hierarchization-organization: known, perceived and inconceivable, imperceptible. The real is made of centers, symmetries and relationships, of immediate, relative or distant proximities. The reality of our speeches, experiences and (...)

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Moon: intensive power

Generally: maintaining the overall homogeneity The Moon is obviously not a “planetary trio”, but the only natural satellite of the Earth. So she alone forms the family “Small p” which has a function of homogenization, globalization and overall regulation, of fluidification and harmonization of conflicts and latent tensions induced by the heterogeneity of levels ‘R’, ‘E’ And ‘T’. (...)

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Introduction to the Theory of Planetary Ages

Man has therefore integrated the durations of sidereal revolution, which correspond to stages of development, which amounts to applying sidereal cycles to psychogenetics: “The theory of ages designates this application which consists quite simply in observing what mental, psychological, physiological, relational acquisitions occur in a normal evolution of man in the succession of time (...)

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Lunar stage (from 0 to 1 month old): the age of communion

Moon What does he do during this first month? Above all, he devotes between 17 and 20 hours a day to going about his favorite occupation: sleeping, with a sleep that, at first irregular, gradually becomes more regular. When awake, the newborn remains calm and quiet for two or three hours, he moves a little, in the form of anarchic wriggling, for one to two hours at the most and spends the rest of (...)

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Mercurian stage (from 1 to 3 months old): the age of communication

Mercury A simple experiment illustrates this phenomenon well: for up to a month, when the face and the voice of his mother were dissociated in space (while the face of the latter was on his right, for example, a tape recorder located at his left emitted the sound of the mother’s voice), the baby showed his confusion and his discomfort by fidgeting, crying: such a differentiation clashed with his (...)

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Venusian stage (from 3 to 7 1/2 months old): the age of affection

Venus Astrologers have made Venus the planet of love, of desire, of the flesh. Is it hard that the baby will suddenly transform, at the beginning of its fourth month of existence, into sex symbol ? Of course not… It is however clear that it is between three and eight months, therefore during the Venusian stage, that sensuality, sensoriality and affectivity develop in him. From look to touch It is (...)

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Solar stage (from 7 1/2 months to 1 year old): the age of identification

Sun It is around eight months that finally begins to unify what is called the “perceptual field” of the child. Until one month, this perceptual field was homogeneous, global, undifferentiated: hearing, sight, smell, taste and touch merged into one. “all-perceived”. Up to three months, this original perceptual globality exploded, became different until the baby was plunged into a maelstrom of (...)

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Marsian stage (from 1 to 2 years old): the age of action

Mars The age of one year marks a radical shift in perspective, a fundamental change in his perception of the world. From a spectator, he becomes an actor. A comfortable dependence gives way to an independence to conquer. Spontaneous sociability is replaced by curiosity about things, and the model child who tried to be as wise as a picture in the solar stage abruptly transforms into an overactive (...)

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Jupiterian stage (from 2 to 12 years old): the age of socialization

Jupiter The first long stage The Jupiterian stage is therefore spread over ten years. A very long period, if we compare it to the single year that the previous stage lasts or to the four and a half months during which the solar function is integrated. One can legitimately wonder whether the different mental, social and affective acquisitions of the child during such a large age range have points in (...)

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Saturnian stage (from 12 to 30 years old): the age of questioning

Saturn The Saturnian stage, like the Jupiterian, is characterized by its long duration: no less than eighteen years! Beginning with puberty, it thus encompasses adolescence and the first steps into adulthood. to the planet Saturn, astrological tradition attributed melancholy, meditation, taste for abstractions, introversion, frustration, loneliness. She has made it the star of the silent, of the (...)

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The time beyond: from Neptune to Pluto

Neptune Pluto The maximum duration of human life is currently estimated at around one hundred and thirty years. The individual therefore has no possibility of going to the end of the Neptunian apprenticeships. There neptunian function would therefore concern in humans the probability of partial learning, barely sketched, certain to remain unfinished. During his second centenary, he was given the (...)

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Uranian stage (from 30 to 84 years old): the age of individualization

Uranus If it seems relatively easy to observe the similarities of functioning in children of the same age group, it is apparently less obvious with regard to adults: during the quarantine, the definitive individual personality is in general established, hardly susceptible to major changes, and each seems to manifest at the highest point, even to the point of caricature at times, the specific nature (...)

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Neptunian stage (from 84 to 164 years old): the age of depersonalization

Neptune Currently, life expectancy is around 75 to 80 years in Europe and North America but does not exceed forty-five years for the poorest African countries. It has not always been so: the average lifespan also varies according to the times. Until the XVIIIth century, it was about thirty years maximum on all continents: times were hard, numerous and deadly famines, very high infant mortality (one (...)

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