Generally: diffusing from the unique
How the known, the conscious, the norms, codes, concepts, theories, models, goals, projects, images, principles, symbols (‘R’) are reproduced and maintained (‘r’) by conditioning and determining a priori our way of being moved, feeling and experiencing (‘e’) and to question ourselves, to ask ourselves questions and to open ourselves to the unknown (‘t’). (...)
Generally: diffusing from the duo-duel
How the knowable, the concrete, the lived, the experience, the felt, the experienced, the facts are reproduced and maintained (‘e’) by conditioning and determining on the ground our way of affirming, saying, simplifying and deciding (‘r’) and to question ourselves, to distance ourselves, to ask ourselves questions and to open ourselves to the unknown (...)
Generally: diffusing from the multiple
How the unknown, the unconscious, the underlying, the invisible, the hidden, the mysterious, the profound, the imaginary reproduce and maintain themselves (‘t’) by conditioning and subtly determining the way we are moved, perceive, act, feel and experience (‘e’) and to affirm, to say, to simplify and to decide (‘r’).
“Big T”: the “extensive (...)
Generally: focusing on the unique
Reduce, schematize and make known, in the form of standards, codes, concepts, theories, models, goals, projects, images, principles, symbols (‘r’), all the preconceived ideas or acquired certainties (‘R’), concrete and observable facts and phenomena (‘E’) and abstract, subtle, invisible or underlying realities (‘T’).
“Small r”: the “intensive representation” (...)
Generally: focusing on the duo-duel
Reduce to a duo-duel, to a confrontation, to lived experience, to personal feelings, to the sensorially experienced, to the emotionally lost, to their affective impact, all the standards, codes, concepts, theories, models, goals, projects, images, principles, symbols (‘R’), concrete and observable facts and phenomena (‘E’) and abstract, subtle, invisible, (...)
Generally: focusing on the multiple
Reduce to questions, perplexities, hypotheses, speculations, doubts, hidden laws, mysteries, nonsense, absurdities, uncertain or unpublished perspectives (‘t’), the set of standards, codes, concepts, theories, models, goals, projects, images, principles, symbols (‘R’), concrete and observable facts and phenomena (‘E’) and abstract, subtle, invisible or (...)
Generally: maintaining the unique/duo-duel/multiple
The real of Man and of the rest in all its states and stages, in its impeccable and implacable hierarchization-organization: known, perceived and inconceivable, imperceptible. The real is made of centers, symmetries and relationships, of immediate, relative or distant proximities. The reality of our speeches, experiences and (...)
Generally: maintaining the overall homogeneity
The Moon is obviously not a “planetary trio”, but the only natural satellite of the Earth. So she alone forms the family “Small p” which has a function of homogenization, globalization and overall regulation, of fluidification and harmonization of conflicts and latent tensions induced by the heterogeneity of levels ‘R’, ‘E’ And ‘T’.
“Small (...)
For analysis, research, interpretation, the conditionalist school refers to the conceptual models of the R.E.T. for the planets (Representation-Existence-Transcendence), of the S.O.R.I. (Subject, Object, Relationship, Integration repositories) for the Houses, of the zodiac of the declinations for the Signs. The interpretation further introduces the model of “Hero and his Shadow” which makes it (...)
If we grant the imagination to the Moon, we must return the image to the Sun… and the image is to the eye what the eye is to the Sun: its image. As a role model, her power is extensive. It spreads, it generalizes. A model can change, be enriched, impoverished, become obsolete, but, for the time of its effectiveness, it sets the tone of a fashion or a thought, it governs the paradigms.
The (...)
The common point of these families, also called “negative”, is that they bring together planetary functions which “ignore” one or two levels of the R.E.T. Note that these “missing” can be absolute or relative. When they are absolute, the level(s) of the R.E.T. “missing” are denied or rejected by the planetary function concerned. When they are relative, they are used by the planetary function (...)
These quintets have in common to be composed of a family “extensive” and a family “intensive” belonging to the same level ‘R’, ‘E’ or ‘T’ of the R.E.T., of which they highlight the positive characteristics to the maximum, while underlining the lacks and the weaknesses.
“Hyper-rR” quintet
“Hyper-rR”: the “Representation” quintet (...)
According to some astrologers, the planets ruling the first year of life (Moon, Mercury, Venus, Sun) in the theory of the ages would have an “affective” nature. The most recent studies in cognitive science show that the reality is quite different…
“Big R”: the “Extensive Representation” trio
Very affectionately…
Read in No. 2 of Astrologie Pratique new formula, December (...)
The Sun-Pluto couple occupies a special position: its nature therefore deserves in-depth investigation. These two stars indeed occupy the extremities of the solar system. Extreme center for the Sun, extreme periphery for Pluto… Beyond these two limits, it is the opening on the unknown: internal unknown of the Sun, external unknown of Pluto. This is how extremes meet. Sun and Pluto close and (...)
With the exception of the Moon, Earth’s satellite, each Planet has at least one point in common with two others, depending on whether it shares the same source level (‘R’, ‘E’, ‘T’) or the same target level (‘r’, ‘e’, ‘t’).
The cybernetic organization
Cybernetics (whose Greek etymology means “science of government”) studies “control and communication processes in living beings, machines and (...)
The planets whose R.E.T. are inverses form pairs of complementary-opposites: the source level (‘R’, ‘E’ or ‘T’ of one) is the target level (‘r’, ‘e’ or ‘t’ of the other), which constitutes a “crazy circle” or vicious circle in feedback integral. When one of the members of the duo dominates in a chart, it is important to carefully analyze the situation and the strength of the second.
Couple (...)
The negative is not the absence
Each planetary function is characterized by both the levels of the R.E.T. that she “excited” and by those she “inhibits”, to which she is indifferent or opposed, which blind her, which she ignores, rejects or obscurely seeks. In this sense, the negative formula of a planetary function can be understood as the equivalent of the “blind planet” of a Chart, the one (...)