AstroAriana AstroAriana
Association for Research and Information
in Natural Astrology

Inhibition quickness (unadapted excitation slowness)
by Richard Pellard
English translation by Julien Rouger

Inhibition quickness


Inhibition quicknessInhibition quickness for Libra: the sidestepper. Defence reactions are quick, smooth, timely: fear is mastered. One slips between obstacles, one avoids brutal confrontations, one learns to use the social codes that divert animal aggressivity: politeness, courtesy, diplomacy, subtleties of public speaking. The mind performs quickly fine distinctions, meticulous analyses. With the Sense of opposites: arbitrations, nuances, search for balance.


Inhibition quicknessInhibition quickness for Scorpio: the crafty. The Scorpio is an inhibited person with ultra-fast defence systems: he’s a motocross topnotcher. Clever, subtle, crafty, skillful, he slips through nets, zigzags between obstacles. His mind quickly grasps how beings and things function behind the scenes. He brilliantly knows how to use evasive promises and detailed threats, always ready to dodge as and when necessary, standing firm about the content while being very flexible in form.


Inhibition quicknessInhibition quickness for Sagittarius: the sophisticated. A consummate art of sidestepping, well-knit avoidance tactics, sophisticated people skills: one handles with ease, skill and style the pawns of socioculture, one can opportunely mediate and withdraw, one can advocate a total opening while allowing some selection mechanisms; one can expand indefinitely the field of possible cooperations on an abstract level — but not with just anyone on a practical level, hence an enlightened elitism.

Unadapted excitation slowness


Unadapted Excitation slownessUnadapted Excitation slowness for Libra: the fanciful. The need for control, mastery, organization runs in a void, onto nonexistent or inappropriate objects. Persisting imaginary actions: paranoia, illusions of subjective power, obstinate building of castles in the air, vain tilting at windmills. One perseverates into glorified non-commitments, one gives in to romantic bewitchments or to impressions of metaphysical omnipotence, etc.


Unadapted Excitation slownessUnadapted Excitation slowness for Scorpio: the vampire. Persistence of haunting images, need to organize and control in a closed environment: one feels vested with magical, unique, secret powers; one draws power from one’s immutable fixedness, from one’s intolerant subjectivity, from one’s systematic oppositions — futile just as well as haughty. One pulls the strings from behind the scenes while living as a parasite, at the expense of others’ sorrow, shamelessly, with a cynical domineering mindset.


Unadapted Excitation slownessUnadapted Excitation slowness for Sagittarius: the megalomaniac. The need to organize and master applies to anything gigantic, immense, extraordinary, colossal. Imagination is carried away into mythomania, the delusion of being controlled, the search for greatness or for mythical heroism. Unquenchable quest for an insane power. Energizing identification to exceptional beings, or empty solemnity that impresses in order to hide the void of a spineless personality; vain hallucinated ambitions against a backdrop of ineffectualness to set oneself a realistic action framework.

This article was brought to you by Richard Pellard
English translation by Julien Rouger
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