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The astro-interviews of Françoise Hardy
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Anti-astrologism is not a science, but a hobby of ignorant science-zealots
Do we change character by changing Sun sign?
Moon-Neptune aspect
Results of Choisnard, Lasson & Gauquelin research in astro-statistics
Amélie Poulain, a young Virgo girl, delicate and healthy…
The planetary Aspects and their orbs
Sun in Aquarius
Astrology and animals
The Scorpio on video
Uranus in Cancer
Sense of syntheses (ultraparadoxical phase)
Aries-Scorpio: similarities and differences
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Astrology and you
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The Jupiterian: Psychological profile
The Saturnian: Psychological profile
The Uranian: Psychological profile
The Neptunian: Psychological profile
The Plutonian: Psychological profile
For beginners
Basic questions about astrology
Astrology and clairvoyance: the difference
Astrology-tarots-clairvoyance: predicting or forecasting the future?
Choose your “seer”
How to choose one’s astrologer?
Giving birth under the planets: choosing the Sign of your child?
Astrology and couple: is synastry a duo or a duel?
Astrology and animals
Astrology and profession: about jobs and stars
Astrology and sex
Astrology and money
Online conditionalist courses
For adepts
Astrology & psychoanalysis
Zodiac, planets and Jungian typology
Comparative reviews of European and Western forms of astrology
Introduction to the comparative results of astrologies
Results of traditional astrology
Results of statistical astrology
Results of conditionalist astrology
Critique of the doctrine of planetary Rulerships
Critique of the doctrine of the four Elements in traditional astrology
Global astrology
Conditioning in global astrology
Could astrology predict the stock market crash of October 2008?
Declination concentration-dispersion index
Élizabeth Teissier, Pluto in Scorpio & the AIDS epidemic
Élizabeth Teissier’s avian flu
Global astrology: a method
Thoughts on global astrology
General theories
The zodiac
The twelve zodiac Signs
Aries in natural astrology
Taurus in natural astrology
Gemini in natural astrology
Cancer in natural astrology
Leo in natural astrology
Virgo in natural astrology
Libra in natural astrology
Scorpio in natural astrology
Sagittarius in natural astrology
Capricorn in natural astrology
Aquarius in natural astrology
Pisces in natural astrology
Couples of Signs
Zodiac couples
Aries and the other Signs: similarities and differences
Aries-Taurus: similarities and differences
Aries-Gemini: similarities and differences
Aries-Cancer: similarities and differences
Aries-Leo: similarities and differences
Aries-Virgo: similarities and differences
Aries-Libra: similarities and differences
Aries-Scorpio: similarities and differences
Aries-Sagittarius: similarities and differences
Aries-Capricorn: similarities and differences
Aries-Aquarius: similarities and differences
Aries-Pisces: similarities and differences
Taurus and the other Signs: similarities and differences
Taurus-Gemini: similarities and differences
Taurus-Cancer: similarities and differences
Taurus-Leo: similarities and differences
Taurus-Virgo: similarities and differences
Taurus-Libra: similarities and differences
Taurus-Scorpio: similarities and differences
Taurus-Sagittarius: similarities and differences
Taurus-Capricorn: similarities and differences
Taurus-Aquarius: similarities and differences
Taurus-Pisces: similarities and differences
Gemini and the other Signs: similarities and differences
Gemini-Cancer: similarities and differences
Gemini-Leo: similarities and differences
Gemini-Virgo: similarities and differences
Gemini-Libra: similarities and differences
Gemini-Scorpio: similarities and differences
Gemini-Sagittarius: similarities and differences
Gemini-Capricorn: similarities and differences
Gemini-Aquarius: similarities and differences
Gemini-Pisces: similarities and differences
Cancer and the other Signs: similarities and differences
Cancer-Leo: similarities and differences
Cancer-Virgo: similarities and differences
Cancer-Libra: similarities and differences
Cancer-Scorpio: similarities and differences
Cancer-Sagittarius: similarities and differences
Cancer-Capricorn: similarities and differences
Cancer-Aquarius: similarities and differences
Cancer-Pisces: similarities and differences
Leo and the other Signs: similarities and differences
Leo-Virgo: similarities and differences
Leo-Libra: similarities and differences
Leo-Scorpio: similarities and differences
Leo-Sagittarius: similarities and differences
Leo-Capricorn: similarities and differences
Leo-Aquarius: similarities and differences
Leo-Pisces: similarities and differences
Virgo and the other Signs: similarities and differences
Virgo-Libra: similarities and differences
Virgo-Scorpio: similarities and differences
Virgo-Sagittarius: similarities and differences
Virgo-Capricorn: similarities and differences
Virgo-Aquarius: similarities and differences
Virgo-Pisces: similarities and differences
Libra and the other Signs: similarities and differences
Libra-Scorpio: similarities and differences
Libra-Sagittarius: similarities and differences
Libra-Capricorn: similarities and differences
Libra-Aquarius: similarities and differences
Libra-Pisces: similarities and differences
Scorpio and the other Signs: similarities and differences
Scorpio-Sagittarius: similarities and differences
Scorpio-Capricorn: similarities and differences
Scorpio-Aquarius: similarities and differences
Scorpio-Pisces: similarities and differences
Sagittarius and the other Signs: similarities and differences
Sagittarius-Capricorn: similarities and differences
Sagittarius-Aquarius: similarities and differences
Sagittarius-Pisces: similarities and differences
Capricorn and the other Signs: similarities and differences
Capricorn-Aquarius: similarities and differences
Capricorn-Pisces: similarities and differences
Aquarius and the other Signs: similarities and differences
Aquarius-Pisces: similarities and differences
Pisces and the other Signs: similarities and differences
Zodiac documents
Sun Sign and Rising Sign
Do we change character by changing Sun sign?
Signs and seasons
“Spring” Signs
“Summer” Signs
“Autumn” Signs
“Winter” Signs
Zodiac theory
The astronomical reality of the zodiac
The human reflexology zodiac
The zodiac and the precession of the equinoxes
Variations of the diurnal arc of the Sun during the zodiacal year: video
Zodiac Signs & constellations: videos
Planetary trios in Signs
Aries in the R.E.T.
Taurus in the R.E.T.
Gemini in the R.E.T.
Cancer in the R.E.T.
Leo in the R.E.T.
Virgo in the R.E.T.
Libra in the R.E.T.
Scorpio in the R.E.T.
Sagittarius in the R.E.T.
Capricorn in the R.E.T.
Aquarius in the R.E.T.
Pisces in the R.E.T.
Zodiacal families
Excitation strength (inhibition weakness)
Inhibition strength (excitation weakness)
Excitation quickness (unadapted inhibition slowness)
Excitation slowness (unadapted inhibition quickness)
Inhibition quickness (unadapted excitation slowness)
Inhibition slowness (unadapted excitation quickness)
Sense of opposites (egalitarian phase)
Sense of proportions (paradoxical phase)
Sense of syntheses (ultraparadoxical phase)
Negative induction and positive induction
Planets and the R.E.T.
Planets in Signs
Moon in Signs
Moon in Aries
Moon in Taurus
Moon in Gemini
Moon in Cancer
Moon in Leo
Moon in Virgo
Moon in Libra
Moon in Scorpio
Moon in Sagittarius
Moon in Capricorn
Moon in Aquarius
Moon in Pisces
Sun in Signs
Sun in Aries
Sun in Taurus
Sun in Gemini
Sun in Cancer
Sun in Leo
Sun in Virgo
Sun in Libra
Sun in Scorpio
Sun in Sagittarius
Sun in Capricorn
Sun in Aquarius
Sun in Pisces
Mercury in Signs
Mercury in Aries
Mercury in Taurus
Mercury in Gemini
Mercury in Cancer
Mercury in Leo
Mercury in Virgo
Mercury in Libra
Mercury in Scorpio
Mercury in Sagittarius
Mercury in Capricorn
Mercury in Aquarius
Mercury in Pisces
Venus in Signs
Venus in Aries
Venus in Taurus
Venus in Gemini
Venus in Cancer
Venus in Leo
Venus in Virgo
Venus in Libra
Venus in Scorpio
Venus in Sagittarius
Venus in Capricorn
Venus in Aquarius
Venus in Pisces
Mars in Signs
Mars in Aries
Mars in Taurus
Mars in Gemini
Mars in Cancer
Mars in Leo
Mars in Virgo
Mars in Libra
Mars in Scorpio
Mars in Sagittarius
Mars in Capricorn
Mars in Aquarius
Mars in Pisces
Jupiter in Signs
Jupiter in Aries
Jupiter in Taurus
Jupiter in Gemini
Jupiter in Cancer
Jupiter in Leo
Jupiter in Virgo
Jupiter in Libra
Jupiter in Scorpio
Jupiter in Sagittarius
Jupiter in Capricorn
Jupiter in Aquarius
Jupiter in Pisces
Saturn in Signs
Saturn in Aries
Saturn in Taurus
Saturn in Gemini
Saturn in Cancer
Saturn in Leo
Saturn in Virgo
Saturn in Libra
Saturn in Scorpio
Saturn in Sagittarius
Saturn in Capricorn
Saturn in Aquarius
Saturn in Pisces
Uranus in Signs
Uranus in Aries
Uranus in Taurus
Uranus in Gemini
Uranus in Cancer
Uranus in Leo
Uranus in Virgo
Uranus in Libra
Uranus in Scorpio
Uranus in Sagittarius
Uranus in Capricorn
Uranus in Aquarius
Uranus in Pisces
Neptune in Signs
Neptune in Aries
Neptune in Taurus
Neptune in Gemini
Neptune in Cancer
Neptune in Leo
Neptune in Virgo
Neptune in Libra
Neptune in Scorpio
Neptune in Sagittarius
Neptune in Capricorn
Neptune in Aquarius
Neptune in Pisces
Pluto in Signs
Pluto in Aries
Pluto in Taurus
Pluto in Gemini
Pluto in Cancer
Pluto in Leo
Pluto in Virgo
Pluto in Libra
Pluto in Scorpio
Pluto in Sagittarius
Pluto in Capricorn
Pluto in Aquarius
Pluto in Pisces
Prospects and uses of the R.E.T. macroscope
Astrology, planetary functions and politics
R.E.T. planetary families
Sun-Mercury-Venus: extensive Representation
Mars-Jupiter-Saturn: extensive Existence
Uranus-Neptune-Pluto: extensive Transcendence
Sun-Jupiter-Uranus: intensive representation
Venus-Mars-Neptune: intensive existence
Mercury-Saturn-Pluto: intensive transcendence
Sun-Mars-Pluto: extensive Power
Moon: intensive power
Powers of Sun-Moon: the Moon
Powers of Sun-Moon: the Sun
R.E.T. family quartets
R.E.T. family quintets
Sun-Mercury-Venus, “extensive Representation” and affectivity
Sun-Pluto, a special couple
The dialectic of powers in the R.E.T. system
The planetary couples
“Lacks” of planetary functions
R.E.T. planetary functions
Introduction to planetary meanings
The lunar function (homogeneous wholeness)
The solar function ‘rR’ (representation of Representation)
The mercurian function ‘tR’ (transcendence of Representation)
The venusian function ‘eR’ (existence of Representation)
The marsian function ‘eE’ (existence of Existence)
The jupiterian function ‘rE’ (representation of Existence)
The saturnian function ‘tE’ (transcendence of Existence)
The uranian function ‘rT’ (representation of Transcendence)
The neptunian function ‘eT’ (existence of Transcendence)
The plutonian function ‘tT’ (transcendence of Transcendence)
Signs by R.E.T. planetary trios
“Extensive R” family in Signs
“Extensive E” family in Signs
“Extensive T” family in Signs
“Intensive r” family in Signs
“Intensive e” family in Signs
“Intensive t” family in Signs
“Extensive P” family in Signs
“Intensive p” family in Signs
Theory of Planetary Ages
Introduction to the Theory of Planetary Ages
Lunar stage (from 0 to 1 month old): the age of communion
Mercurian stage (from 1 to 3 months old): the age of communication
Venusian stage (from 3 to 7 1/2 months old): the age of affection
Solar stage (from 7 1/2 months to 1 year old): the age of identification
Marsian stage (from 1 to 2 years old): the age of action
Jupiterian stage (from 2 to 12 years old): the age of socialization
Saturnian stage (from 12 to 30 years old): the age of questioning
Uranian stage (from 30 to 84 years old): the age of individualization
The time beyond: from Neptune to Pluto
Neptunian stage (from 84 to 164 years old): the age of depersonalization
Plutonian stage (from 164 to 248 years old): the age of disappearance
Interplanetary aspects
Aspects theory
Aspects theory and practice
The planetary Aspects and their orbs
A brief history of interplanetary aspects
Notion and concept of planetary Aspect
The notion of Aspect in Ptolemy in the 2nd century
The notion of Aspect from the 2nd to the 16th century
The notion of Aspect in Kepler in the 17th century
The design of the Aspects from the 17th to the 19th century
The innovations of the 19th & 20th centuries
Progress during the 20th century
The conditionalist theory of Aspects
Antiscia and counter-antiscia are not Aspects
Interpretation of the Aspects
Aspects with the Moon
Moon-Sun aspect
Moon-Mercury aspect
Moon-Venus aspect
Moon-Mars aspect
Moon-Jupiter aspect
Moon-Saturn aspect
Moon-Uranus aspect
Moon-Neptune aspect
Moon-Pluto aspect
Consonant lunar aspects
Dissonant lunar aspects (dominant Moon)
Dissonant lunar aspects (non-dominant Moon)
Aspects with the Sun
Sun-Mercury aspect
Sun-Venus aspect
Sun-Mars aspect
Sun-Jupiter aspect
Sun-Saturn aspect
Sun-Uranus aspect
Sun-Neptune aspect
Sun-Pluto aspect
Consonant solar aspects
Dissonant solar aspects (dominant Sun)
Dissonant solar aspects (non-dominant Sun)
Aspects with Mercury
Mercury-Venus aspect
Mercury-Mars aspect
Mercury-Jupiter aspect
Mercury-Saturn aspect
Mercury-Uranus aspect
Mercury-Neptune aspect
Mercury-Pluto aspect
Consonant mercurian aspects
Dissonant mercurian aspects (dominant Mercury)
Dissonant mercurian aspects (non-dominant Mercury)
Aspects with Venus
Venus-Mars aspect
Venus-Jupiter aspect
Venus-Saturn aspect
Venus-Uranus aspect
Venus-Neptune aspect
Venus-Pluto aspect
Consonant venusian aspects
Dissonant venusian aspects (dominant Venus)
Dissonant venusian aspects (non-dominant Venus)
Aspects with Mars
Mars-Jupiter aspect
Mars-Saturn aspect
Mars-Uranus aspect
Mars-Neptune aspect
Mars-Pluto aspect
Consonant marsian aspects
Dissonant marsian aspects (dominant Mars)
Dissonant marsian aspects (non-dominant Mars)
Aspects with Jupiter
Jupiter-Saturn aspect
Jupiter-Uranus aspect
Jupiter-Neptune aspect
Jupiter-Pluto aspect
Consonant jupiterian aspects
Dissonant jupiterian aspects (dominant Jupiter)
Dissonant jupiterian aspects (non-dominant Jupiter)
Aspects with Saturn
Saturn-Uranus aspect
Saturn-Neptune aspect
Saturn-Pluto aspect
Consonant saturnian aspects
Dissonant saturnian aspects (dominant Saturn)
Dissonant saturnian aspects (non-dominant Saturn)
Aspects with Uranus
Uranus-Neptune aspect
Uranus-Pluto aspect
Consonant uranian aspects
Dissonant uranian aspects (dominant Uranus)
Dissonant uranian aspects (non-dominant Uranus)
Aspects with Neptune
Neptune-Pluto aspect
Consonant neptunian aspects
Dissonant neptunian aspects (dominant Neptune)
Dissonant neptunian aspects (non-dominant Neptune)
Aspects with Pluto
Consonant plutonian aspects
Dissonant plutonian aspects (dominant Pluto)
Dissonant plutonian aspects (non-dominant Pluto)
Interpretation theory
Astrology and foolishness
Houses and sectors of the local sphere
The issue of the meanings of the Houses
The S.O.R.I.: Subject-Object-Relationship-Integration
Introduction to the S.O.R.I. system
Subject perspective in the S.O.R.I.
Object perspective in the S.O.R.I.
Relationship perspective in the S.O.R.I.
Integration perspective in the S.O.R.I.
Astronomy of planets
The deplanetization of Pluto, a hysterical decision
Alignment of planets and media rumor
Black Moon and lunar Nodes
Elementary astronomy of the solar system
Planetary cycles, retrogradations, zodiac & constellations
Retrogradations and declinations
Simplified cosmography of the solar system
Astrologers of the past
A new translation and edition of Ptolemy’s Tetrabiblos
Johannes Kepler, astrologer and astronomer
Nostradamus, astro-prophet or mythomaniac clairvoyant?
The world according to Claudius Ptolemy, astronomer-astrologer and lighthouse of Alexandria
History of astrology
History of Arabic astrology in the Middle Ages
Ptolemy and the error of the senestrogyrate Houses
Anti-astrologism is not a science, but a hobby of ignorant science-zealots
The Petiot affair and the “Barnum effect” or the anti-astrologer circus
Carlson’s “experiment”: an example of anti-astrologist quackery
To put an end to anti-astrology
Astrology, statistics, nonsense & trickery
Astrology, statistics, poppycock & trickeries
The specific issues of astrological statistics
Results of Choisnard, Lasson & Gauquelin research in astro-statistics
Statistics, “Mars effect” and anti-astrologist trickeries
The critical controls of Suitbert Ertel and Geoffrey Dean
Astral twins statistics
Astrological results of Gauquelin astro-statistics
Gauquelin “key sectors” & pseudo-“traditional” Houses
Astrology in comics
The zodiac Signs on video
The Aries on video
The Taurus on video
The Gemini on video
The Cancer on video
The Leo on video
The Virgo on video
The Libra on video
The Scorpio on video
The Sagittarius on video
The Capricorn on video
The Aquarius on video
The Pisces on video
The Planets on video
The Lunar on video
The Mercurian on video
The Venusian on video
The Solar on video
The Marsian on video
The Jupiterian on video
The Saturnian on video
The Uranian on video
The Neptunian on video
The Plutonian on video
Ike Uncyfar on video
Ike Uncyfar and the Consulting on video
Ike Uncyfar and Synastry on video
Ike Uncyfar and Medical Astrology on video
Ike Uncyfar and the Astrologerz on video
Ike Uncyfar and Astro-recruiting on video
Ike Uncyfar and the Antiz
Ike Uncyfar and Astrology & Mass Media on video
Ike Uncyfar and the Astro-schoolz on video
Ike Uncyfar and Casts & Forecasts on video
Ike Uncyfar and the Horrorscoops Making-of on video
Ike Uncyfar and the Owl-Cult Bookshop on video
Ike Uncyfar and the Astromat on video
Ike Uncyfar and Astro-statistics on video
Ike Uncyfar and the Towers of La Défense on video
Ike Uncyfar and a Reason in Hell on video
Famous astro-portraits
Amélie Poulain, a young Virgo girl, delicate and healthy…
Gérard Depardieu, the ogre of Capricorn
Leonardo DiCaprio, the eternal rebellious Scorpio teenager
Orson Welles, the Taurus who said too much
Steven Spielberg or the duels of the universal Sagittarius
Fine arts
Vincent Van Gogh or the intensely Aries existence
Albert Camus or the flexibility of Scorpio’s absurd
Mary Shelley and the Virgo myth of Frankenstein
Nabokov’s “Lolita”, a transcendent Taurus-triviality
Victor Hugo, a fighting Pisces
Lady Diana, the Cancer of the media
Albert Einstein or the Pisces absolute of relativity
The astro-interviews of Françoise Hardy
Jean-Pierre Nicola, Taurus astrologer-discoverer
Examples of consultations
An example of an astrological consultation
Family Chart analysis: parents
Family Chart analysis: children
The Charts of two monozygotic twins
The practical consultation
Interviews with astrologers
Interview with Jean-Pierre Nicola
Jean-Pierre Nicola: “I put astrology back into shape”
Françoise Schneider-Gauquelin and astro-statistics
Suzel Fuzeau-Bræsch, biologist and astrologer
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Richard Pellard
. Prohibited reproduction.
Julien Rouger
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