“p-tE” issue (intensive power & transcendance of Existence). How to blend a homogeneous wholeness (Moon ‘p’) with switching from the duo-duel to the multiple (Saturn ‘tE’)? How to operate together a receptive casualness and an experimental scepticism? How to intimately own pondering the complexities of experience? This aspect excludes levels ‘R’ (communicative sociability), ‘r’ (decisive (...)
“rR-tE” issue (representation of Representation & transcendance of Existence). How to blend maintaining the absolute unique (Sun ‘rR’) with switching from the duo-duel to the multiple (Saturn ‘tE’)? How to operate together a passionate involvement and an experimental scepticism? How to maintain one’s certainties while pondering the complexities of experience? This aspect excludes levels ‘e’ (...)
“Small t” issue (intensive transcendance). How to blend switching from the unique to the multiple (Mercury ‘tR’) with switching from the duo-duel to the multiple (Saturn ‘tE’)? How to operate together a scattered curiosity and an experimental scepticism? How to stay flippant while pondering the complexities of experience? This aspect excludes levels ‘r’ (decisive willpower), ‘e’ (affective (...)
“eR-tE” issue (existence of Representation & transcendance of Existence). How to blend switching from the unique to the duo-duel (Venus ‘eR’) with switching from the duo-duel to the multiple (Saturn ‘tE’)? How to operate together a skin-deep sentimentality and an experimental scepticism? How to stay charming and appealing while pondering the complexities of experience? This aspect excludes (...)
“Big E” issue (extensive Existence). How to blend maintaining duos and duels (Mars ‘eE’) with switching from the duo-duel to the multiple (Saturn ‘tE’)? How to operate together a pressing need for action and an experimental scepticism? How to stay frank and realistic while pondering the complexities of experience? This aspect excludes levels ‘R’ (communicative sociability), ‘r’ (decisive willpower) (...)
“Big E” issue (extensive Existence). How to blend switching from the duo-duel to the unique (Jupiter ‘rE’) with switching from the duo-duel to the multiple (Saturn ‘tE’)? How to operate together an ambitious pragmatism and an experimental scepticism? How to build an exemplary way of life while pondering the complexities of experience? This aspect excludes levels ‘R’ (communicative sociability), ‘e’ (...)
“tE-rT” issue (transcendance of Existence & representation of Transcendance). How to blend switching from the duo-duel to the multiple (Saturn ‘tE’) with switching from the multiple to the unique (Uranus ‘rT’)? How to operate together an experimental scepticism and an uncompromising voluntarism? How to ponder the complexities of experience while asserting one’s intuitive convictions? This (...)
“tE-eT” issue (transcendance of Existence & existence of Transcendance). How to blend switching from the duo-duel to the multiple (Saturn ‘tE’) with switching from the multiple to the duo-duel (Neptune ‘eT’)? How to operate together an experimental scepticism and unpredictable moods? How to ponder the complexities of experience while experiencing strange sensations? This aspect excludes levels (...)
“Small t” issue (intensive transcendance). How to blend switching from the duo-duel to the multiple (Saturn ‘tE’) with maintaining the absolute multiple (Pluto ‘tT’)? How to operate together an experimental scepticism and maximum aloofness? How to ponder the complexities of experience while staying inscrutable? This aspect excludes levels ‘R’ (communicative sociability), ‘r’ (decisive willpower) and (...)
Consonant Saturn-Moon aspect (conjunction, trine, sextile)
You maintain your well-being, your tranquility and your homogeneity by keeping a wise distance from anything that could disturb the harmony of your intimacy and your daily life. Cautious and reserved, you do not open up easily, and in any case not before having weighed and matured your words for a long time. Foresighted, you (...)
Dissonant Saturn-Moon aspect (conjunction, opposition, square)
If and when Saturn dominates : you don’t feel good about yourself anywhere, and especially not at home, surrounded by your clan, your close friends. Ultimately, you take pleasure in difficulties, hardships, thankless experiences that prohibit any peace of mind, any serene abandonment, any reassuring routine. Distant, (...)
Dissonant Saturn-Moon aspect (conjunction, opposition, square)
If and when the Moon dominates : you do everything in your power to preserve your peace of mind, your privacy, your daily life, from the difficulties and vagaries of life. You fear above all to be left to yourself, without support or support. You flee in daydreams that you would like to be blissful, but which are tinged (...)