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in Natural Astrology
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Jean-Pierre Nicola

Fondateur en février 1980 du COMAC, le Centre d’Organisation du Mouvement d’Astrologie Conditionaliste, Association loi 1901, devenu en février 1992, le Centre d’Organisation des Méthodes d’Astrologie Conditionaliste.

This author's articles (9)

The zodiac and the precession of the equinoxes

We will never have drunk as much, they say, as under prohibition. Our exorcists, far from suppressing the forbidden demons of philosophy, have provoked a flood of astrologies in all directions, all tendencies. Cardan has made small… It seems late to stop the wave, to reify the dikes of reason against this excess of philosophy. Height of threats to the future of our barriers, their builders (...)

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Introduction to the comparative results of astrologies

Did he read the work of the Prince of Astrologers, This collection director who, presenting the masterpiece, reports an esoteric and symbolic traditional knowledge the article? Or is this knowledge, of all times, respecting the knowledge acquired, treated according to the standards and methods of the logic of his time? In this case, our knowledge, seed of tomorrow, is a permanent tradition, (...)

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Results of traditional astrology

Zodiac General reference Free analogism. Everything corresponds without the need for causal relations. What is above is below, and vice versa. Specific references The annual Earth-Sun cycle induces a tropical zodiac comprising twelve sectors (Signs) due to the intrinsic quality of this figure, or 36 decans (three per Sign) by an internal application of the ternary. Second geo-solar (...)

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Results of statistical astrology

Zodiac-Houses-Aspects-Transits General reference Statistical techniques devoted to the control of astrological precepts. Statistics, made by pro- or anti-astrologers, are devoted to the verification of traditional or modern assertions. The material is vast, unlimited, and the tool is not always up to the problem. If, in addition, the user is a novice or ill-intentioned – a little a priori is (...)

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Results of conditionalist astrology

Zodiac General reference The real: manifested, potential or virtual, known or unknown. The real of man, of his internal and external environment, social, family, geosolar, metaphysical too. The reality of the relationships and interactions between man and ideas, ideas and symbols, symbols and facts. The means of approaching reality. Specific references The cycle of variation of the duration (...)

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Sun Sign and Rising Sign

Astronomy of the Rising Sign (Richard Pellard) Word “Ascendant” comes from Latin “ascendere”, which means “which rises”. The Rising Sign, at the intersection of the ecliptic (apparent race of the Sun around the Earth) and the horizon, is the rising Sign. The calculation of the Ascendant is the basic operation which makes it possible to carry out the housekeeping, that is to say to the division of (...)

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Powers of Sun-Moon: the Moon

For analysis, research, interpretation, the conditionalist school refers to the conceptual models of the R.E.T. for the planets (Representation-Existence-Transcendence), of the S.O.R.I. (Subject, Object, Relationship, Integration repositories) for the Houses, of the zodiac of the declinations for the Signs. The interpretation further introduces the model of “Hero and his Shadow” which makes it (...)

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Powers of Sun-Moon: the Sun

If we grant the imagination to the Moon, we must return the image to the Sun… and the image is to the eye what the eye is to the Sun: its image. As a role model, her power is extensive. It spreads, it generalizes. A model can change, be enriched, impoverished, become obsolete, but, for the time of its effectiveness, it sets the tone of a fashion or a thought, it governs the paradigms. The (...)

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The practical consultation

The lesson that we draw from the homogeneity of the solar system, the meanings of the ages and the structure of the R.E.T., induces various rules for the conduct of a consultation. We insisted, in particular, on the notions of simultaneity, chronology and homogeneity. They derive from our research and are based on their results. We are used to positing time in terms of past, present, (...)

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